Page scrolls down by itself
Page scrolls down by itself

page scrolls down by itself

I checked all the obcious special functions on the keyboard. For a moment, I wasn't even sure my laptop even had a scroll lock function.

page scrolls down by itself

You see, on my laptop, there is no Scroll Lock light as you would find on normal 104-style desktop keyboards. But the cached summary information in Google was just what I needed. The first entry was at and the key text shown by Google from the site was "Try turning scroll lock off." Following the link did NOT take me to the entry, as it must have scrolled off their page. I finally hit the right combination when I searched Google with: "excel arrow scroll problem". I tried letting Excel's help look on the web. I tried quite a few combinations of keywords in Google. It was driving me nuts, being a power-keyboard user. If I was trying to cursor in a direction that wasn't against the edge, it would scroll the spreadsheet page as if I had used the scroll bars. Each time I used the arrow keys to move around cells it didn't work. Well, I had an odd situation this morning with Excel.

Page scrolls down by itself